Our Mission

74% of teens don’t feel confident in their financial education.

We want to provide teenagers with effective financial education, and effectively prepare them for life in the adult world. Through Teeconomics classroom resources and club curriculum, we aim to increase financial literacy where students do not have the chance to take a personal finance course at their school. Increased financial literacy will lead to increased wellbeing and prosperity in the future to come, in which teenagers deserve a chance at having.

32% of teens can’t identify the difference between a credit card and a debit card.

Finance is the world’s language: knowing basic concepts like credit are crucial to financial success. Without basic financial literacy, which many teens lack, managing or growing wealth is extremely difficult and limiting of social mobility and financial stability. With just a few lessons and connections, we believe we can set up teens for success..

Americans pay an average of $577 in late fees, overdrafts, and fraud-related charges.

Poor financial literacy is not only costing Americans potential opportunities and a toll on their wellbeing, but thousands of dollars. $577 per year can amount to $5,770 in 10 years, and with the snowball effects of poor credit scores and compounding interest, the number is likely way greater. NGPF estimates a personal finance course would save high schoolers $100,000 over their lifetime.